Plan limits

Last update: 29.05.2024

1. Total number of cases

This refers to all cases that can be stored in your account.

a) The limit depends on the number of enabled agents and the subscription plan:
  • "Basic" → 6,000 cases per agent;

  • "Standard" → 12,000 cases per agent;

  • "Pro" → 24,000 cases per agent.

Examples of calculation:
  • 6 agents on the "Basic" plan → 36,000 cases;

  • 20 agents on the "Standard" plan → 240,000 cases;

  • 70 agents on the "Pro" plan → 1,680,000 cases.

b) Checks are performed daily and consider the number of agents enabled in your account at the time of the check. If there are more cases than the limit, Deskie will automatically delete cases starting from the oldest, to ensure the total number of cases does not exceed the current limit.
Deletion logic: the oldest case is determined by the last update time, not the creation time. For example, if you have a case created 5 years ago but last interacted with it a month ago, it will be considered as a recent one and will not be deleted.

c) All cases are counted, including those in the "Trash" and "Spam" filters.

d) Cases are deleted from the "Trash" filter first, then from the all cases list and spam.

2. Total number of users

This refers to all users that can be stored in your account.

a) The limit depends on the number of enabled agents and the subscription plan:
  • "Basic" → 2,000 users per active agent;

  • "Standard" → 4,000 users per active agent;

  • "Pro" → 8,000 users per active agent.

Calculation examples:
  • 6 agents on the "Basic" plan → 12,000 users;

  • 20 agents on the "Standard" plan → 80,000 users;

  • 70 agents on the "Pro" plan → 560,000 users.

b) The total number of users is checked daily, considering the number of enabled agents at the time of the check. If the user count exceeds the limit, Deskie will automatically delete users to stay within the limit.
Deletion logic: If there are users with whom there has never been any communication (e.g., you imported many users but did not interact with most of them), they will be deleted first. If after that the limit is still exceeded, only then will the users with whom you have not communicated for the longest time be deleted.
c) When users are deleted, their cases are also deleted, as cases cannot exist without their owners. Therefore, user limits are checked before case limits.
d) All users are counted, including those in the "Blocked" and "Deleted" filters.

3. Cases per month

This refers to the volume of cases that can be created in your account each month.
a) The limit depends on the number of enabled agents and the subscription plan:
  • "Basic" → 500 cases per month per agent;

  • "Standard" → 1,000 cases per month per agent;

  • "Pro" → 2,000 cases per month per agent.

Calculation examples:
  • 6 agents on the "Basic" plan → 3,000 cases per month;

  • 20 agents on the "Standard" plan → 20,000 cases per month;

  • 70 agents on the "Pro" plan → 140,000 cases per month.

b) The number of cases is checked at the end of each month, taking into account the smallest number of enabled agents you had during the month.

c) Outgoing cases created by agents are also counted.

d) Cases in the "Trash" and "Spam" filters are not counted.
e) If more cases are created in a month than the limit allows, a notification will be displayed in the accounts of the main administrator and sub-administrators. In this case, you need to take one of the following actions:
  • increase the number of agents, as the limit is based on the number of enabled agents in your account;

  • check if you can reduce the case volume (e.g., if many notification emails from various services are being sent to Deskie, which are not customer cases, there is no need to deal with them);

  • upgrade to a plan with a higher monthly cases limit.

f) If the limit is exceeded three times in different months over the last 12 months, your plan will automatically be upgraded to the next level. If you are already on the "Pro" plan, we will contact you to discuss custom plans for such high load.

4. Total rules count

This refers to the number of rules that can be active and stored in your account.

a) The limit depends on the number of enabled agents and the subscription plan:

For "Basic", regardless of the number of agents, and for "Standard" if there are fewer than 7 enabled agents, there is a minimum limit on rules. In total, you can create up to 50 rules:
  • 20 rules for new cases;

  • 20 rules for updated cases;

  • 10 rules for existing cases.

If you are on the "Standard" plan with 7 or more enabled agents, or on the "Pro" plan, then your limits are:
  • for the "Standard" plan → 3 + 3 + 1 rule per agent;

  • for the "Pro" plan → 4 + 4 + 2 rules per agent.

Calculation examples:
  • 3 agents on the "Basic" plan → 20 new + 20 updated + 10 existing;

  • 8 agents on the "Basic" plan → 20 new + 20 updated + 10 existing;

  • 6 agents on the "Standard" plan → 20 new + 20 updated + 10 existing;

  • 7 agents on the "Standard" plan → 21 new + 21 updated + 10 existing;

  • 20 agents on the "Standard" plan → 60 new + 60 updated + 20 existing;

  • 70 agents on the "Pro" plan → 280 new + 280 updated + 140 existing.

b) Maximum rule limits:
  • "Standard" plan → 450 + 450 + 150

  • "Pro" plan → 600 + 600 + 300

c) The check for the total number of rules is performed daily and considers the number of enabled agents at the time of the check. If there are more rules, we automatically delete rules from the end of the list until there are as many as required by the limit. This applies to each type of rule.

d) Both enabled and disabled rules are counted.

5. API limits

This refers to the total number of API requests that can be made within your account.

a) The minimum limit for API requests is 20 RPM (requests per minute).
The minimum limit applies to the "Basic" plan if you have fewer than 5 enabled agents. When you have 5 or more agents, the limit is calculated based on the number of enabled agents and your plan:
  • "Basic" → 5 RPM per agent;

  • "Standard" → 5 RPM per agent;

  • "Pro" → 10 RPM per agent.

Calculation examples:
  • 6 agents on the "Basic" plan → 6 * 5 = 30 RPM;

  • 20 agents on the "Standard" plan → 20 * 5 = 100 RPM;

  • 70 agents on the "Pro" plan → 70 * 10 = 700 RPM.

b) Maximum limits for API requests:
  • "Basic" plan → 50 RPM;

  • "Standard" plan → 750 RPM;

  • "Pro" plan → 1,500 RPM.

c) When the limit is exceeded, a "429 Too Many Requests" error is returned in response to the request.

d) Write requests (POST, PUT, DELETE methods) count as two requests within the limit.
e) To avoid exceeding the limit, your script should check the response headers:
  • rate_limit_per_minute: the maximum number of requests per minute;

  • api_calls_left: the number of requests remaining in the current interval of the limit;

  • retry_after: the number of seconds after which the limit will be reset.

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