Integration with Dropbox

Last update: 11.08.2022

Integration with Dropbox allows agents to add links to files from the company's general Dropbox account or agent's personal accounts to provide responses in a couple of clicks.


To connect the integration, create an application in Dropbox and connect it to your Deskie account.

Create an app in Dropbox

1) Log into your Dropbox account, go to the section for creating applications and click "Create app".


2) Choose an API;

3) Select the type of access you need;

4) Specify a name for the application and click "Create app".


5) On the page that opens, in the "Chooser / Saver / Embedder domains" field, specify your subdomain in Deskie (without https://) and click "Add".


6) Specify the necessary data in Deskie to connect the application and click "Connect":

  • if you want the agents to work with personal accounts, then you only need to specify the "App key";

  • if you want your agents to have access to one shared Dropbox account, then in addition to the "App key" you will also need to specify the "App secret" and "OAuth 2 access token".


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